The dough for this recipe takes a bit of time. Certainly glad I read the recipe early on, so that I would know it would take two days to make this, with active interaction on my part for the first day. All that rising and slapping down. I had to stay up late to get this dough beat into submission, but it finally stopped rising...allowing me to go to sleep.
As I was making the dough, I gave it a little taste. I don't typically eat bread dough, given that it's usually just yeast and flour and water and salt. But this dough....this dough had eggs and butter and a bit of sugar. I knew the dough would be good...and it was...and I hoped it was a harbinger of things to come!
Alas, I hate to say it. Our bread was not fabulous. It wasn't even that great. It looked & smelled great and the texture was perfect. The taste, not so much. We were all quite disappointed. I was expecting a yeasty sweet flavor. I got kind of blah. What a bummer. In addition to rolls, I also made a loaf. I plan on making one of Dorie's other recipes that calls for brioche with it. We'll see how that goes. See if my fellow Doristas had better luck this week.
Sorry this was a miss for you. My husband wasn't crazy about them, either. He bit it and said, "It's just a dinner roll." Hot out of the oven, I thought they were great, but by the time we had them cold with dinner, they weren't so interesting. I'm glad I made it once, but not sure if I'd make it again. Oh well. Onward!
Awww...sorry they didn't bowl you over! If all else fails, stale brioche makes AMAZING french toast!
Sorry this wan't a win for you...we really enjoyed them and I would definitely make them again. Happy New Year!
Sorry this wasn't a hit, but you do now have in your arsenal the makings for great French toast :-)
I think I am on the eat bread plan. My pants told me I should get off of it...
I'm planning on trying the left over brioche recipes too. We like the rolls, we like the rolls too much!
Aw... it must have been a little frustrating not to be wowed by the brioche rolls after all the time they take. I hope you get to enjoy your leftovers. My vote/suggestion would be for a tall Montecristo sandwich.
What a bummer! This was a huge success in our home, but I made it into a slider since we were not eating it immediately and it was great. Hope you try it in french toast or bread pudding - maybe you will like it better.
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